What Kind of Yes?

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She penciled on a napkin
Left beside the ring
In her finest hand
With a ballpoint pen:
I'd promise you a lifetime
But I've only one to give

What kind of Yes did you want?

She could not fit all of the things
That she was running from
Into a single case
So she simply took a toothbrush
And a comb

Oh, perhaps sometime
You will find you're missing persons
Shed that boundless sky
And come back home

She would watch her shadow
She liked the way it clung
Like fluid to the ground
A river's lithe caress over the stone

What kind of Yes did you want?
The Yes of game shows
With the ticker and the cheers
Or the Yes of warm sand
Between your toes?

Oh, perhaps sometime
You will find you're missing persons
Shed that boundless sky
And come back home

~ Brendan Bonsack 2014

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