Town of Ghosts

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We live in a ghost town
We live with our ghosts
Gave 'em names
Got a gift shop
And all the tourists come
A seance on the hour
Their souvenir terror

Take the selfies
Leave the litter
Plates o' paper
Bottled water

To the lights in the valley
Platelets on the highway
Yellow red yellow blurry
Leave us to our sleepy
Our knots along the ceiling
Our splintery, leave
Us with our sleeps

Take the selfies
Leave the litter
Plates o' paper
Bottled water

We live in a ghost town
We live with our ghosts
Gave 'em tales
Got a tea room
And all the tourists come

Take the selfies
Leave the litter
Plates o' paper
Bottled water

We live in a ghost town
We roll our own ghosts
Of paper white faces
Paper over the other
Blood red in the river
Nice place for the houses

Take the selfies
Leave the litter
Plates o' paper
Bottled water

~ Brendan Bonsack 2018

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