Sunshine on the Counter

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My last coffee before
My next paycheck
Has a tiny crooked heart

The barista is my neighbour
With up all night eyes,

We talk about the birdsong
Swifty in the playlist,
Alexa play it louder,
Sunshine on the counter
Sixty seconds older,

I catch a breath of love
And then it goes
I catch a breath
And then it's gone

I catch a breath of love
And then it goes
I catch a breath
And then it's gone

My last coffee before
My next paycheck
Has a tiny crooked heart

They'll still drop bombs, y’ know
Just smile more and pet
Cute piglets while doing it

Circle table bursts of yellow
a boxer kissing gold
Cuts of wattle in glasses
No, No, No

No, not blooming early,
Just, my neighbour's saying,
Just doing what they do
Just doing what they do

~ Brendan Bonsack

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