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It’s '66 and I haven’t been born
Smash the state eat the rich
And do it now while the clock and the phone
Know nothing about you
You’re waking all naked by the body that made me
News of a lottery to send you to war
The neighbour said hey
Use my car while I’m gone
You break into crying every other morning
We’ll have a name for that some day
You'll just call it woke
You got the new Revolver ringing out in the shed
But the Rubber Soul was better
You're waking all naked by the body that made me
Fuzzy from the row on whether Ryan should hang
The neighbour calls reverse
And says hey can you send me some money
It's '66 and I haven’t been born
Smash the state, stop the war
And do it now while the car
In the drive isn't spying on you
You're waking all naked by the body that made me
If you could only marry, she could go on the pill
The neighbour said if they come knocking,
Tell em that you never knew me
It's 66 and I haven’t been born
Lose your job, save our sons
A telephone is ringing
And ringing out in the hall