Places for Falling

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Of all the places
For falling in love
It had to be in here
The dance has long been over
And they're stacking
All the chairs

And they're emptying the punch bowls
On the weeds out in the drive
Those supple yellow flowers
Of the cracks who learned
To thrive

We don't get a sunset
We don't get a song
We get half an hour
Till the doors are closed
To get it right or wrong

Of all the places
To find you
It had to be in here
The uniform in the corner
Still taking down statements

They're reeling in the tinsel
And they're stuffing it in bags
The shiny floor awash with blue
Light and plastic cups

We don't get a sunset
We don't get a song
We get half an hour
Till the doors are closed
To get it right or wrong

It had to be in here
Of all the times to fall in love
Chains caress the exit bars
And cleaners are sliding off their gloves

We know the fences beckon us
Across the long goodnight
And we hope the clocks up on the brick
Walls are wound too tight

We don't get a sunset
We don't get a song
We get half an hour
Till the doors are closed
To get it right or wrong

~ Brendan Bonsack 2014

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