Party Songs

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This party is long
Its songs are all wrong
Hasty keys don't quite match the door
Submarine laughter
Clinging to the walls

All the water that found you
And decided to stay
I felt every bubble
And every cascade
Traveling my skin
In search of a way
And I am etched
By each invitation

Without the strings we fashion
Into fast and bright allures
Without light enough to synthesize
Our crimsons and azures
And reposed in your hands
I'm neither woman nor man
Without number
Without name
Without face

Do you still hear the party drums
Clocking out the party songs
Of shapely and forever-love
Of together-til-the-end-of-love
(But never near the end of love)
Ooh baby ooh
Yeah baby yeah
mmm baby mmm

But within this soft horizon
Ruffled on our skin
Within the wetness
And the salty dull perfume
And reposed in your hands
I'm neither woman nor man
Without keys
Without song
Within you

~ Brendan Bonsack 2009

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