I Wish I Could Tell you** Audio previews are just part of the track. Please
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The whisper of the water
Ran over my palm
Turn in and try to hold me
I mean you no harm
The soft, wondrous newborn
Upon my other hand
Here is water for your everything
I do not understand
This must be the strangest
The strangest of place
I wish I could tell you
It's going to be okay
But I just don't know
Here is my heartbeat
For your ear drum
That sensation upon your cheeks
We call that the sun
When I am sinking
Lonely or afraid
I turn myself outwards
For her warmth on my face
This must be the strangest
The strangest of place
I wish I could tell you
It's going to be okay
But I just don't know
The soft, wondrous newborn
Held in my arms
This thing you're trying to tell me
We just call it love
This must be the strangest
The strangest of place
I wish I could tell you
It's going to be okay
But I just don't know
~ Brendan Bonsack 2020