Damned Poets** Audio previews are just part of the track. Please
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Damned poets,
Damned balladeers
Speak of the horizon like
It's some place you can't reach
Yet here you are standing on mine
And here I am standing on yours
Watch it go like a house of cards
Like a stack of plates
Like a moon in full eclipse
Turning in her face
Damned poets
Damned singers too
Tell of the horizon like
It's always there to lose
Yet here you are standing on mine
And here I am standing on yours
Watch it sink like a pennystone
Like Nijinski to the floor of the lake
All the little holes in that shimmering water
That every pennystone ever made
Damned poets,
Damned balladeers
Speak of the horizon like
It's some place you can't reach
Yet here you are standing on mine
And here I am standing on yours
~ Brendan Bonsack 0