Crash in Yellow

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I am eight years old
The canola fields are spreading
Their yellow all around

The old car radio
Is half off the station singing
The happiest tune, happiest tune it knows

Mother in the front seat
Hands on the wheel
She doesn't know the words well
But she sings along

Did you see, Mama
The car overtaking
The headlights before us
The truck alongside us
The nowhere to go?

They say you see your whole life
But I am eight years old
My mother is my whole life
Don't take away my whole life

Yellow and yellow and yellow
And crows in a field
Sunlight on the metal
How your body steels itself
Against the pull of the cold
Cold stars calling
Come back to nothing
We want you we want you

Did you see, Mama
The car overtaking
The headlights before us
The truck alongside us
The nowhere to go?

They say you see your whole life
But I am eight years old
My mother is my whole life
Don't take away my whole life

And if this minute
Sees us survive
I promise, I promise

~ Brendan Bonsack 2021

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