After Diane

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They stare down
The barrel of your loneliness
The shutter takes their spirit, yes,
But they still walk free with it

Every one of them is you,
Your light burst from a dark room
The moment in motion feels
Like a belly full of vipers

Sleeping on empty
For you know
They are hungry
People keep asking after you
But you can’t photograph speech
People keep reaching out for you
But we've only one heart each

Kill a panic with the open and shut
The second split between a love me or not
Your machine will deceive you
Or make you believe there's
A magic in any of us

Someone turned the sand to glass
You bend the world enough to pass
For something much kinder
No shame in a life
We're all gonna die in the last

Sleeping on empty
For you know
They are hungry
People keep asking after you
But you can’t photograph speech
People keep reaching out for you
But we've only one heart each

~ Brendan Bonsack 2024

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