A Human Resource** Audio previews are just part of the track. Please
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I'm just calling up to tell you
That I finally got a job
For an HR firm
Don't know what anybody does
I don't really fit the suit
But I am saving up for one
That looks like all the others
When the elevator doors go
Ping ping ping
Ping ping ping ping...
I'm just calling up to tell you
That I'm finally off the meds
Well, not exactly off
But can afford a better brand
And I've started meditation
Every Tuesday after work
And maybe it's just as well
The telephones are hell when they
Ring ring ring...
And do I make you proud?
I'm just calling up to tell you
That I finally got a job
For an HR firm
Don't know what anybody does
I am calling up to say to you
A sparrow comes to see
Me every day at lunch
From behind the safety glass
In her scruffy feather jacket
And our little piece of sun
Scrapes across my desk
To light my sandwich crumbs
And she
Sings sings sings...
~ Brendan Bonsack 2018