Lovers' River

Lovers' River

    * Audio preview only plays part of the track.

Lovers' River

I walk the river that's made of lovers
who wished against the gods to never die

my future doesn't know me anymore

it used to scare me blind this vision
of our parting and you growing old alone

but perhaps that wasn't you that I saw

I know love has found you
by the way the river seems
to crawl back up the mountain
upon its hands and its knees

I've ceased to offer my tired body
to thread within your own

our gods no longer see eye to eye

but if memory were a lover
it would ever have your shoulders

I cry, oh god, over their precipice every night

I know love has found you
by the way we last embraced
two swirls through the stony water
and all water has to find a way

they say this river is made of lovers
who wished against the gods to never die

I walk her shore my heart parenthesized

I looked into my future
and I saw that I was not there

but it wasn't me I was looking for anyway

I know love has found you
by the way the river seems
to crawl back up the mountain
upon its hands and its knees

I know love has found you
by the way we last embraced
two swirls through the stony water
and all water has to find a way

© Brendan Bonsack
May 2017

  1. Lovers' River
  2. Age of Stone (part III)

Lovers' River
Released June 2017

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