Rage and enthusiasm

with Kay Crowhurst

..how to maintain rage and enthusiasm?
...especially the meek, who flush in the presence of their own rage...
..a dull trumpet...
..fury steered on an even keel forges nations and drives minds on...
... through that tilt that subtle shift...
...toppled fury....
....an unsteady hand at the helm...
...strips the garden bare...
..the polyvinyl imitators
take the squares...
...no need of sun, nor rain...
...no roots to grow...
....and yet those holes get deeper...
...great divides...
....the plastic men devising, divining, declining....
....nature & nurture be damned...
...these false friends, glossy print, fictions of a spoon-fed-nation...
...pr perfect...conscious with no conscience...
...should we fold our fury & wait ......
..for another to be the braver..
....our own someone more steadfast...
...burning feet firm & striding...
..the keenest eye and constant gaze...
...the boat rock...
....the rippled-change.....?
...or must we rage and rail and be...
......the concord of meek trumpets,
..and a song whose found its time...

Written with Kay Crowhurst

© Kay Crowhurst & Brendan Bonsack
November 2014