
You only ever find what you're looking for

And we found it
We heard it
Once and for all

The collision of two gigantic holes
A million million years ago
Two wandering cataclysms
Touched and shouted
Into one another's silence
So that those deafening ripples
No wider than the smallest measure of a human hair
Spread themselves through everything

Became the reason
For the fanning of feathers
And the swirling of shells
And the grasping outward patterns
Of moss on the stones
And the one and only patterns
In the whorls of our thumbs

That they would reach across our centuries
Of mathematics and technologies
And after all those years alone
Whisper soft into our devices:
Here's a clue:
Here's a scratch on the skin
Of what it means to be you

You only ever found what you were looking for

And you only ever searched
For what you knew

This poem appears in

Pass it Along

© Brendan Bonsack
February 2016