Binary Days

Today is a 1 day
The 4th of its kind in a row

Not yet enough to forget
The leading 0’s

But it’s a start
A beginning of sorts, dear heart

I mark off the charts and make notes:
You will be pleased

I will sit in the room with the vending machine
And the water cooler ran out of cups

And the clacky click clack of false
Nails on keys will not draw

On my teeth like the clawing hands
Of a drowning man

1 days are
Above days

That squeaky whiteboard line of yours
Inclined, and the frayed

Lightly stained armrests
Feel again like love

Or at least
Of the falling into it.

Already you talk
Of the 2 kind of day

But for now,
1 is enough

© Brendan Bonsack
April 2016